Tuesday 21 October 2008

First brief done..

After submitting my first brief today, I do feel a little more at ease. Last week we had our we first taste of pressure on the course. A few of us have experienced pressure and working to tight deadlines before, however, after finding out how many students passed last year with the same brief, some of us are dreading the referral. Fortunately for us though, we were given more time than last years students.

I feel handing in the first draft a week before the deadline helped, in terms of time management. This gave me more time (“tinker time”) to go over my work and amend things such as hyperlinks, SPG, and referencing, also it gave me time to become more familiar with Adobe Indesign, which is new to me.

The referencing took longer than I expected, but the most challenging aspect of the brief was putting some of the languages and protocol definitions in to “layman's” terms, however, I do feel this assignment has benefited my knowledge of computer terms considerably and will compliment future studies.
I am quite satisfied on how I tackled the brief, however, some parts I could have been a bit more methodical in my approach. I think this is because I have been out of education for a while, but already I can see myself progressing. Now its just a case of waiting to find out the results.

I was kind of expecting our first brief to be a design brief, but now I realise, and appreciate that these briefs are there for a reason. It is part of the learning process, and you don't get any where by jumping the gun.

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